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Member Organisation(s): ABNLP, Balens, CIH
Insurance: Balens
Therapy Provides:
Counselling, NLP, Stress Management, Life Coaching
Member Organisation(s): ABNLP, Balens, CIH
Insurance: Balens
Therapy Provides:
Counselling, NLP, Stress Management, Life Coaching
Special Rates:-
Having worked with University Students both in Nottingham and in Hertfordshire
you can benefit from a 25% discount on the coaching/counselling rate if you
have an NSU card or an Amazon Prime Card.
I also offer the commitment to you when you book 6 sessions in advance
after the ’taster’ session at 50% off the first one.
Other packages include booking 3 sessions in advance to also save on
your session.
Ashlyn listened intently with care and patience and I would highly recommend seeing her. Every new year I made a resolution to lose weight but my resolve never lasted - I am so glad I decided to see Ashlyn, as when we worked together I discovered there was a little voice from when I was very young stopping me from keeping the promise to myself. Wow at last I feel I can do it! and so looking forward to my next session with her.
I was instantly drawn to Ashlyn because of her ability to intuit on a deeper level and for her sense of calm. She was able to recognise what therapy would be suited to my needs and I immediately felt relaxed and at ease. I experienced a sense of peace after our session not having fully realised the extent of the healing which had taken place until much later. I would definitely recommend Ashlyn and look forward to working with her in the future.
No more Anorexia or binge eating…Ashlyn’s sessions were easy to follow – and I knew after each session I was improving. She supported and encouraged me all the way, and at no time did I feel she was judging. I couldn’t have imagined that I would be where I am now – eating normally and enjoying going out for dinner with my partner who had become distraught with me. After 4 grueling months of counseling using something called CBT - which left me depressed even more, before I became aware of my own self sabotage, I am now very happy. I would highly recommend this program for everyone with an eating disorder. Oh and no-one knew I was getting help either as there was complete privacy as Ashly came to my own home. Thank you again Ashlyn
Ashlyn is a naturally gifted healer with great patience and listening skills. After just one session, she was able to help me breakthrough an addictive and compulsive eating habit that has plagued me for years. I would unreservedly recommend her for any healing in regards to eating disorders.
I have struggled with a combination of bullimia and anorexia since I was 14 years old. I had tried counselling, CBT, art therapy, group counselling and they would work while I was doing them. Then as soon as I stopped, the old feelings and habits would slowly creep back into my life. I honestly thought I would never free myself. I first became interested in hypnotherapy when a friend tried it for their depression- it really seemed to work- but it was costing them £399 a session! When I discovered Ashlyn I was amazed because her sessions are extremely good value and oh my goodness they worked. I only needed 3 sessions and I saw results straight away. The other day I sat down with my family and properly enjoyed an Indian take away for the first time in 7 years, there was no panic and no desire to get rid of it. I feel confident and strong and like I finally have my life back. Ashlyn was so lovely and made me feel relaxed and safe, I almost wish I needed to see her again just because the sessions were amazing and left me feeling like a completely new person. Thank you so much Ashlyn!
I was having extreme mood swings, lost confidence and anxious all the time, and didn’t know why - I went to Ashlyn for Hypnosis - however she said NLP and Kinesiology would be better. From what I said she felt it may be the Pill I was taking and so she tested me using Kinesiology and the results showed it was too much Oestrogen. I have just had the results from my doctor which confirmed my Oestrogen levels were sky high as Ashlyn’s tests showed. Now I have stopped it I feel normal again - I would definately recommend her - I felt I could trust her from the moment I met her and I was right to .... thank you so much.
The "Help me to sleep" CD I purchased from Ashlyn has proved to be a valuable help to me, enabling me to improve the quality of my sleeping as well as giving me more energy. I have used the Power nap track for the odd lunchtime ’Siesta’ to give me a more refreshed start to the afternoon as well as before going out in the evening to give me some extra energy. Ashlyn’s calm soothing voice and instructions accompanied by the beautiful music makes this a CD which would be of benefit to most people.
I had tried the Virgin flying Without Fear course, and whilst it was reassuring - the fear remained in some illogical way - and was so relieved that the session with Ashlyn allowed me to feel good about flying for the first time in my life - especially as I had a honeymoon with 3 different flights coming up - it works! Thanks no more - fear of flying. Michael.
I started to see Ashlyn after suffering from various mental issues for at least 20 years. I suffered from social phobia, bipolar and anxiety. I was seeing a physchologist for several months, with no real results and also i have been admitted into a mental health ward 3 times. I decided to try Ashlyn, the results have been so good that my life is getting back on track again. what can be found in the subconcious mind that effects your daily life is amazing. thanyou Ashlyn.
I had a head on car collision 5 years ago and never really got over it - I couldn’t drive without flinching with on coming cars and when with a passenger I was very anxious. I am amazed and delighted to say that after just 3 sessions with the coaching I have no anxiety or hardly any memory of the accident now - and can drive normally and even down the road where it happened without any nervousness - what she did was truly amazing - thank you, Ashlyn you are highly recommended.
Ashlyn made me feel at ease the first time i met her. My past has not been an easy ride for me and my aldult life made me feel so down. I had problems in socialising and confidence and a general low self esteem, my life was not as good as i would of liked it to be.Now with Ashlyns help my confidence and well being have greatly improved and i live a more fulfilled life.
Colour Therapy – this therapy definitely has an effect on mood, and energy. Firstly I saw Ashlyn for Chronic Fatigue syndrome and after once session my energies increased dramatically. Then I had to have steroid injections which left me completely drained. The colour therapy helped me recover from this and also uplifted my mood. I have also noticed that there is a short benefit from using the colour glasses to change mood, and therefore I am investing in a set myself to maintain my well being. Steve, Welwyn Garden City
I had a problem that made my right hand shake uncontrollably when ever I needed a steady hand. ie writing, carrying a drink, playing guitar painting etc. I had this condition for over 25 years, doctors and specialists could not find a cause or cure. Fortunately I found Ashlyn and during the sessions we discovered it was a reaction due to stress and trauma when I was younger, and later when I was at college studying to take exams. My life has changed completely as a result of no longer having my hand shake - I am able to paint again which I love AND my confidence to do other things has increased. The sessions were enjoyable and light and I learnt that much of what may be stuck in the unconcious mind (that we are not aware of) CAN be changed - and we don’t have to ’live’ with it - as I did for so many years. Ashlyn made me feel like I was talking to a long standing friend, a sense of trust and caring. And this warm feeling made it possible for me to explore deeply while following her guidance. Things from my past were affecting my life in a big way, What can I say, this worked for me...
I am seeing Ashlyn for NLP therapy. She is a dedicated holistic health coach who offers a wide range of therapies. It’s early days into my therapy and small improvements are already being noticed. In between my sessions I practise using the techniques she is arming me with to cope with difficult situations.
My hand had shaked uncontrollably for 25 years and the doctors and specialists couldn’t find the cause. During one session I discovered it started when I was taking exams, but it had been buried in my subconscious. The sessions made me feel like one feels talking to a long standing friend, a sense of trust and caring. And this made it possible for me, to explore deeply within safely. After just a few sessions my hand no longer shakes and it’s wonderful to take up my hobby of painting again and a bonus is I now have even more confidence than before. thank you - Doug
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